The Federation of Working Dogs

Protection Test 2 (PT2)

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The Protection Test 2 (PT2) is a test to see if a canine has the abilities to detect and deter a possible threat and if necessary defend and protect it's handler from harm.

The Rules are as followed;

All dogs must pass the Obedience and Temperament portion with 70% of the 100 points allotted for this portion to move on to Protection. Dogs must pass the Protection Portion with 70% of the 120 points allotted for this portion.

Equipment: Six- foot leash with buckle collar, harness or choke chain with the leash connected to the dead ring. No other equipment may be on the dog. All protection exercises will be done with Bite Sleeve! (NO LEG DOGS, PLEASE)


Temperament Exercises:

Greeting a Neutral Stranger - 10 pts. (Stranger walks up to the handler, shakes hands and exchange pleasantries) The dog will not be touched.
Reaction to a Sudden Noise – 10 pts. (whip, gun shots, etc.)

On Leash Obedience Exercises:

Left Turn – 5 pts.
Right Turn - 5 pts.
About Turn – 5 pts.
Change of Position - 10 pts.
figure 8 - 10 pts.
Slow Pace – 5 pts.
Fast Pace - 5 pts.
Stay From Motion – 10 pts.
Recall – 10 pts.
Overall Heeling – 15 pts.


Civil Agitation:
Alert – 5 pts. (Handler will be told when to alert the dog. We want to see how the dog responds to the command)
Threat - 10 pts. (Looking for the intensity of the dog and his/her ability to deter a threat without the presentation of equipment.)
Distraction - 10 pts. (It may be water, stick, jug of rocks, gun fire, etc.)

Attack on Handler:
Heeling on leash -15 pts. (Dog should heel both on and off the field)
Bite/Fight – 15 pts. (Looking for fullness and intensity of the bite)
Out/Release – 10 pts. (No more then 3 commands, on leash)
Control after the Bite/Fight -10 pts. (e.g. the dog can go into a guard, down, recall, etc. and then heeled off the field)

Courage Test:
Send -10 pts. (Looking for confidence, intensity, etc.)
Bite/Fight – 15 pts. (Looking for fullness and intensity of bite)
Out/Release – 10 pts. (No more then 3 commands, on leash)
Control after the Bite/Fight – 10 pts. (e.g. the dog can go into a guard, down, recall, etc. and then heeled off the field)

(This is a sleeve division)

PT2 coming soon!

The Federation of Working Dogs * P.0. BOX 421  * Tar Heel, NC 28392 * USA *